What Are The Languages Spoken in China?

China has 56 ethnic groups (Han and 55 ethnic minorities), and each ethnic group has its own language. For example, the Han nationality has Chinese, the Mongolian nationality has Mongolian language, the Uyghur nationality has Uighur language, and the Tibetan nationality has Tibetan language. Even in the Han nationality, the dialects of each province and city are different. However, Chinese is the most used in official use and national exchanges. Mandarin is the most spoken nationally and globally.
Mandarin is the language of the Han nationality, with Chinese characters as the writing form. This ancient writing was created by ancient Chinese thousands of years ago and has evolved to this day. At the same time, more and more people learn and use Chinese characters in the world, and Mandarin Chinese has become the universal language in the world.

Why are Chinese characters used the most?

First of all, Chinese is the language of the Han nationality, a language that has been around for thousands of years. The Han population occupies the majority of the country. In the process of historical evolution, Chinese has been well maintained and spread throughout the dynasties. But in other ethnic groups, the characters are also well preserved. So far, Inner Mongolia, which has the largest population of Mongolians, and Xinjiang, which has the largest population of Uyghurs and Kazakhs, have their own language courses to learn and use.