More Than Half Of Confirmed Cases In Hubei Are Treated With Traditional Chinese Medicine

On the morning of February 15th, the National Press Office held a press conference in Wuhan, Hubei, introducing the epidemic prevention and control and medical treatment work organized in Hubei.
Wang Hesheng, deputy director of the National Health and Health Committee and member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, has already dispatched 3 national TCM medical teams, and organized the national Chinese medicine system to send medical team members to Hubei, now reaching 2220 people. The Chinese medical team insists on the integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine, highlighting the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine. More than half of the confirmed cases in Hubei Province are treated with traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine also actively participated in the prevention and control of the community, and distributed traditional Chinese medicine to people in need.
“By coordinating the resources of Chinese and Western medicine, we will work together to solve problems and complement each other’s strengths, and strive to improve the cure rate, minimize the mortality rate, and effectively safeguard the lives and health of the people.” Wang Hesheng said.