The Wandering Earth(2019) Movie Of China,Review OF The Film

The Wandering Earth is a Chinese-made science fiction film released in 2019(10 movies release in china in 2019).It based on Liu Cixin’s novel of the same name, the film tells that the sun is about to be destroyed in the near future. The solar system is no longer suitable for human survival. In the face of desperation, human beings will start the “Wandering Earth” plan, trying to escape the solar system with the earth and find new hometown.
The Wandering Earth movie
The Wandering Earth Movie Release Time(Showtime): February 5, 2019
Length: 125 minutes
Production company: China Film Co., Ltd.
Type: science fiction, disaster, adventure
Language: Mandarin Chinese / English / Russian / French / Japanese / Korean

Imdb code: tt7605074
Location: Qingdao
Guide: Guo Fan
Producer: Liu Cixin

Synopsis Of The Wandering Earth

In the near future, the sun will rapidly swell and the earth will face the devastating disaster. To save the planet, humans have built tens of thousands of planetary engines on the surface of the earth to escape the solar system to find new homes. The earth and humans have embarked on a journey of space that is expected to last 2,500 years. In the process of completing this grand plan, countless people have come forward to stage a legendary story, and the adventures of the dead and the ultimate torture of humanity are also staged.

The Wandering Earth Box Office Income

According to the Maoyan movie statistics, as of 19:50 on February 13th(Beijing Time), the box office income of The Wandering Earth is:
The Wandering Earth box office income1The Wandering Earth box office income2

Behind The Scenes Production Of The Wandering Earth

During the preparations for “The Wandering Earth”, a lot of work was done. Before the filming, the team produced more than 8,000 grids of mirrors, more than 30 minutes of dynamic previews, detailed production processes and shooting plans, and lens-based coordinating and announcements. All of these industrial processes are explored and prepared to minimize cost waste and increase productivity.
The diameter of the planetary engine in the film is more than ten kilometers, and the unimaginable huge appearance is full of curiosity. In order to present this spectacle, the art team designed a dozen different versions of the program, from line draft to coloring, dynamic preview, to special effects.
Almost none of the items in the film can be bought directly. Therefore, the crew spent a lot of time and effort to make 10,000 items to meet the needs of the shooting. The director also personally started testing the props and adjusted the details.

The Wandering Earth Reviews

From a spiritual perspective, the film can see the Chinese world view, the Chinese way of thinking, and the Chinese people’s behavior logic in the movie’s grand story setting, the breakthrough of the sky’s imagination and the nasty narrative. Gu Quan’s abandonment of personal interests is still a persistent bond of kinship and courage to die; whether it is the attachment and cherishment of the homeland of the homeland, the dedication of Yugong’s move to the mountains, or the father-son relationship that is alienated from the film because of lack of communication, there are many The projection in reality.
On the material level, the design of some props is inspired by Chinese traditional culture. When the Chinese audience sees it, it will feel very intimate and achieve a great aesthetic fit. For a long time, many films in China have used IP and storylines with Chinese characteristics to reflect non-native values, thus making the film as a whole a sense of violation. “Wandering Earth” is handled very skillfully at this point, so that the Chinese people who see the sci-fi scene in the sci-fi scene are still pure and pure, and they still understand the Chinese people’s principle of doing things and moral standards. (“Guangming Daily” Review)
The various anti-routing settings in the story of “The Wandering Earth” are more scientific and reasonable ideas for the human destiny community in the end of the crisis, and have made Chinese characteristics. The mountain stopped the road, the sea was filled, and the sky was broken. The Yugong moved the mountain, the Jingwei reclamation, and the son-in-law supplemented the heavens. These passions in the blood of the Chinese people and the heavens and the earth struggled with the end of the world. The movie theme of life and hope is unusually close. The film highlights the saturated rescue of the collectivist spirit that is not afraid of sacrifice. The first is that it has caught the audience’s pain points and has become an important symbol of China’s science fiction movies climbing the world’s advanced level, satisfying the Chinese audience’s expectations for domestic sci-fi movies for many years. More importantly, the film has Chinese characteristics and is a unique innovation with Chinese temperament. (“Economic Daily” Review)